About Me

My career background involves assisting people of all ages overcome the personal challenges they face, conquer addictions they struggle with, recover from the injuries they have sustained and go beyond the physical or mental wellbeing issues that have limited them. Coupled with the extensive training received from the Causism Institute I continue to work alongside many people and assist to empower them to feel fulfilled. An emotional health and well being practitioner utilising the Mace Energy Method (MEM), a lover of life, a creator, an engaged member of community and an inspired participant in universal programs that assist the development of an individual’s spiritual growth are some aspects in my life. What energises me is Love, the fabric of all life; the magnificent actions it brings about; people drawn to selfless service for a united humanity; their endeavours that contribute to the betterment of an ever-advancing world society, the gift to strive for, the well being for all.